40 key technologies in urgent need of research

2011-12-8   View:3460

  October 23 from China Petrochemical Association was informed that the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Association has just completed a joint urgent need for the chemical industry key technology research. Research results show that the chemical industry should be the current focus on the development of 40 key technologies. Study the chemical industry at the same time put forward new products and new technology, major technology and equipment in areas such as R & D direction.
  It is understood that in 2008 high-tech center and the Ministry of Science and Technology Association petrochemical experts on China's key technologies for the chemical industry needs a comprehensive survey and summary. Research Group proposed by the panel 110 a number of important key technologies, sub-16 sub-sectors of finishing summed up and made the sub-sector development priorities, as well as involved in new products, new technology research and development of major technologies and equipment Development of content and so on. Research to the current research should focus on the chemical industry's 40 key technologies, including: large-scale coal gasification technology, coal to olefins technology, very large methanol production technology and other modern coal chemical technology, non-grain bio-utilization of renewable raw materials such as biological chemical technology, kiln phosphoric acid, ion-exchange membrane caustic soda electrolysis system of emission reduction technologies such as energy conservation, organic fluoride and high-functional monomer special fluoropolymer industrialization and high temperature, high flame-retardant, high-intensity light energy, such as conveyor belt production technology of new products. The focus of the key technology needs, including sub-sectors: coal chemical industry, polyurethane, nitrogen fertilizer, rubber, chlor-alkali, salt, sulfuric acid, phosphate fertilizer, plastics, paints, dyes, pesticides, organic silicon, organic fluorine, such as. These sub-sectors of the industrial output value more than 1.5 trillion yuan, more than 50% of chemical industry output value, and involve a number of downstream industries.
   Experts believe that the findings for future technological development of the chemical industry a clear direction. To capture these key technologies, not only for China's technology-intensive to meet the market demand for chemical products is extremely important, but also for saving energy, to alleviate a shortage of domestic resources is also important.

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